Xinghe Zhu

A photo of Xinghe Zhu

Zhu Xinghe is an assistant professor in the Department of Chinese Language and Culture of Shanghai Jiaotong University. He received his Ph.D in Ancient Chinese Literature from East China Normal University in 2009. His academic interest is to pay particular attention to the literary and intellectual history of the late Qing and early Republican period, with a focus on the modern transformation of classical poetry. He has published two books. The one is a commentary of Li Shutong’s poetry, Shanghai Jiaotong Unversity press, 2013 (《李叔同诗歌评注》,上海交通大学出版社,2013). The other one is a study of Chaoshe and Yishe, Shanghai Joint Publishing Company,2014 (《现代中国的斯文骨肉:超社逸社诗人群体研究》,上海三联书店,2014).