How do I apply to a graduate program at UCLA?
Please visit the UCLA Graduate Admissions website for more information on the application process. http://www.gdnet.ucla.edu/gasaa/admissions/applicat.htm
Do I need an BA degree first before applying for the Teaching Asian Languages MA program?
Students are required to have a BA before applying to the MA in Teaching Asian Languages program. All students who received a U.S equivalent of a Bachelor’s (BA) degree can apply.
What is the minimum GRE score?
The GRE is not required to apply to the MA in Teaching Asian Languages. If an applicant wishes to submit GRE scores, please note that GRE scores should not be older than five years.
What is your department code for the GRE?
GRE Codes UCLA institution code (R4837) Asian Languages department code (2601)
What is the minimum TOEFL/IELTS score?
Please see the Graduate Admissions website for TOEFL/English requirement. http://www.gdnet.ucla.edu/gasaa/admissions/ENGREQ.HTM
What is the deparment code for TOEFL/IELTS?
TOEFL/IELTS codes UCLA institution code (4837) Asian Languages department code (29)
Can I use my GRE or TOEFL score if it has expired?
No. Applicants must re-take the exam before December 1 if their scores have expired. GRE scores expire after 5 years of when the exam was taken. TOEFL scores expire after 2 years.
When is the application deadline?
The graduate application deadline is January 15. The online application must be submitted by January 15. All supplemental materials must be postmarked by January 15.
Does the department have a Teaching Asian Languages PhD program?
No. Students who are interested in an PhD degree should consider the PhD in East Asian Linguistics. Please visit the PhD Program page.
How can I contact professors/faculty in the department?
Faculty contact can be found under the “People” link from the main webpage.
What type of funding is available?
Incoming students are considered for departmental funding in the form of fellowships, teaching assistantships and other forms of award. Applicants should read the ‘Financial Support for Entering Graduate Students’ for more information about funding opportunities at UCLA and are encouraged to apply for any external fellowships available outside of UCLA to fund their studies.
Will I be able to work as a teaching assistant in language classes in the ALC department?
MA students are not guaranteed teaching assistantships or any other forms of financial support during the period of their study. However, when teaching opportunities arise, eligible MA students may be considered for such opportunities. Students must meet *all* TA eligibility requirements to be considered, https://grad.ucla.edu/funding/working-at-ucla/
Do I need to be proficient in an Asian language before applying to the Teaching Asian Languages MA program?
Strong candidates for the program are generally proficient (minimum 3 years of academic language study) in at least one Asian language (Chinese, Japanese, or Korean) prior to applying.
My undergraduate degree is not in an Asian studies-related field, can I still apply to the Teaching Asian Languages MA program?
All interested applicants are encouraged to apply regardless of undergraduate major. However, applicants should clearly state academic purpose of pursuing a Teaching Asian Languages MA and any relevant experience that would make them a strong candidate for the program and field.
What educational level does the Teaching Asian Languages MA program focus on?
The program primarily focuses on post-secondary university-level language teaching. MA students who aspire to a teaching career in a public K-12 setting in the US may need to seek additional training in teacher credentialing offered out of the ALC Department at UCLA.
Where will I conduct my teaching practicum?
Teaching practicum, in connection with the Asian 206 series, may take various forms depending on the circumstances and available options, which may change from year to year and quarter to quarter.
What kind of academic papers or educational materials are accepted as part of the capstone plan?
Students, in consultation with their faculty adviser, must submit three capstone projects in any combination of academic papers or portfolios of pedagogical materials that the student has developed, including, but not limited to, curriculum design, course materials, and learning activities. Please consult respective program requirements on the Division of Graduate Education website for specific information on capstone plan requirements, https://grad.ucla.edu/programs/humanities/asian-languages-and-cultures-department/teaching-asian-languages/
What is the format of the oral examination?
The exact format of the oral examination will be decided in consultation with the student’s principal adviser and ad hoc committee. Students may choose one of their three capstone projects for the oral examination. Please consult respective program requirements on the Division of Graduate Education website for specific information on oral exam requirements, https://grad.ucla.edu/programs/humanities/asian-languages-and-cultures-department/teaching-asian-languages/
I'm still lost. Help!
Contact Graduate Advisor, Fatin Zubi at fzubi@humnet.ucla.edu