Theodore D. Huters
- Claremont Men’s College: 1964-1966
- Stanford University: B.A.: January 1969: M.A. in Chinese: 1972: Ph.D. in Chinese: 1977
- Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies: Taipei: 1967-68 Taipei, Special student: 1975-76
- Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies: Tokyo: 1973-74
Modern Chinese literature and cultural history.
- Bringing the World Home: Appropriating the West in Late Qing and Early Republican China (Univ. of Hawaii Press, 2005)
- Revolutilonary Literature in China: An Anthology (co-editor and co-contributor, M.E. Sharpe, 2005).
- “Creating Subjectivity in Wu Jianren’s The Sea of Regret,” in David Wang and Shang Wei (eds.), Dynastic Crisis and Cultural Innovation: From the Late Ming to the Late Qing and Beyond (Harvard Asia Center, 2005).
- Wang Hui, China’s New Order: Society Politics, Economy in Transition (editor and translator, Harvard Univ. Press, 2003)
- “The Closing of the Confucian Perspective in China,” in Benjamin Elman et al. (eds.), Rethinking Confucianism: Past and Present in China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam (UCLA Asian Pacific Monograph Series, 2002)
- “Culture, Capital, and Temptations of the Imagined Market: The Case of the Commercial Press,” in Kai-wing Chow et al. (eds.), Beyond the May Fourth Paradigm: In Search of Chinese Modernity (Lexington Books, 2008)
- Culture and State in Chinese History: Conventions, Accommodations, and Critiques (co-editor, Stanford Univ. Press, 1997)