Hindi-Urdu Exam

Winter 2025 exam registration is now closed. Please see the exam site for your results if you took the Winter 2025 exam.

The next available exam will be offered in Fall 2025.

Fall 2025 exam details will become available closer to the exam date. Registration typically opens a few weeks before the exam on our website. Students can be expected to participate in both the written and oral exams.

Placement Exam Offerings:  Fall (week 0) & Winter (week 0 or 1)

If you have further questions, please see the FAQ.

Placement exam results from Fall 2024 and Winter 2025 exams were automatically reported to the Registrar’s Office. If you took an exam, they will be reflected on your degree audit by the end of the quarter you took the exam, if you waived out of the foreign language requirement.

If you need a language waiver for a departmental major requirement only (NOT a foreign language requirement or FLR), please email: ryan.chae@humnet.ucla.edu). Please include the following information:

  1. NAME
  2. UID
  3. Year/Major (or ALC minor)
  4. Which YEAR and QUARTER did you take the placement exam, and what level were you placed into?
  5. Name / Contact information for the department advisor

ENROLLMENT requests for language courses will be available AFTER an exam has concluded and ALL results for the exam have been reported to the department by instructors. Please *DO NOT* email enrollment requests or submit requests before an exam has concluded and your results have been reported to the department.

Please click here to submit an enrollment request if your exam has concluded. You must access the form through your UCLA email address.

Enrollment requests are processed in the order in which they are received. Please allow 2 to 3 business days for us to process your request. Please do not send multiple emails. ALC Major/Minor students will be given enrollment priority.

Please note that language courses are priority so if any of your other courses conflict with your language course, it’s recommended that you drop the other course or resolve your conflict before submitting an enrollment request, or you may not be enrolled.