Friends of ALC

Dear Alumni and Friends,

Welcome to the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures! We are reaching out to you as a means of staying in touch and keeping you apprised of the many things going on here throughout the year. We continue to be a place of exciting scholarship and dynamic encounters between faculty and new generations of students, as we explore the many facets of Asian culture, religion, history, and language that have brought us together as scholars.Our department is an energetic place, hosting visiting scholars, arranging talks and symposia, coordinating with research centers on campus and beyond, and trying to convey our research and teaching interests to our students and counterparts on other campuses. We hope that you will continue to engage with us as a part of this dynamism by staying in touch, attending public events when possible, and finding other ways to connect with the department. We particularly encourage those of you who are alumni of the department to stay in touch with faculty and the department more generally, and send us news of your own continuing engagements with Asia. If you have any comment on our website or would like to send us your news or get more involved with the department, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Your ongoing engagement with ALC and your support for our educational mission means very much to UCLA and our department, and we are very grateful to you.